2024-2025 School Year
Studio Art (add on) CP GVL
Must be concurrently enrolled in the Art Principles and Elements of Design half credit course. This Wednesday class is an optional add-on class with a studio art focus.
Course Description
This art course is designed to develop the creative process and to help students understand the meaning of art. Students will explore the methods and media (such as drawing, printmaking, painting, collage and pastels, and more) historically used to create art and will use these methods in the creation of their own artworks. Students in this Wednesday session will have more studio time to work on projects and receive one-on-one as well as group instruction. Growth in skill and technique will be encouraged throughout the process. Historical and cultural examples will inspire the class work and the students will gain an understanding of the elements and principles of design. Prior art-making experience is not necessary to be successful, as this class will be accessible to all skill levels, even though the concepts and exercises are more advanced than the corresponding middle school art classes. Students will be expected to produce a portfolio of work over the course of the semester and participate in a Spring Show with selected pieces from class projects.
To be successful in this class:
Students will need to bring required materials to class, complete weekly drawing assignments on time, and put forth good effort during in-class projects and home assignments. Assessments are not based on skill level, but on weekly homework drawings, class projects, occasional quizzes, and participation and effort in class.
Grades: 9th Grade, 10th Grade, 11th Grade, 12th Grade
Fees: $225 + $20 materials fee
Must be concurrently enrolled in the Monday Art Principles and Elements of Design half credit course.
Course Credit: 0.5 fine arts
Required Materials
Other Materials:
- 9×12 hardcover sketchbook (not spiral bound)
- Sketching pencil kit
- 20″x26″ Portfolio bag
- Set of 24 count premium colored pencils – Prisma color or this Amazon comparable brand
Meet Genavieve Gilbert
Education: Bachelors in History with a minor in Art from Palm Beach Atlantic University in 2005. Studied Fine Art at Ringling Schooling of Art and Design.
Teaching experience: Home educator since 2017 and has taught art and art related classes privately since 2018.
UHC courses taught:
- Fine Arts: The History of Art
- Studio Art
Began teaching at UHC in 2023