About UHC
The Upstate Homeschool Co-op began in 1997 and was incorporated in 2003. The co-op is not designed to take the place of parents educating their children at home, but to provide enhancement opportunities in the overall education of the student. The Upstate Homeschool Co-op is organized and administered by paid staff and teachers. The UHC Staff is responsible for the week-to-week co-op administration and policy decisions under the authority of the Board of Directors. We offer classes for homeschool students taught by paid professionals and the majority of our teachers are degreed in the field they are teaching. In 2020, UHC began a Dual Enrollment partnership with North Greenville University where professors come to the UHC campus and teach college courses that give the qualified student a high school credit as well as a transferable college credit. UHC has a Learning Differences program that serves the needs of students with documented learning challenges. The Learning Differences administrators plan a course of study along with the parent that offers needed accommodations for students in the program. UHC hosts a yearly K5 graduation as well as a high school graduation that has remained personable even with the continued growth of the senior class. Additionally, students have the opportunity to participate in Jr and Sr Beta Clubs as well as yearbook, newspaper, and Student Government. We have a close sister organization, the Greenville Hurricanes, which offers a wide variety of sports. Students also have many opportunities for field trips and social gatherings throughout the year.
Our co-op classes are held at Hampton Heights (K3-5th grade in Taylors), Grace Church (6th-12th grade in Taylors), The Church at the Mill (K3-12th grade in Spartanburg), and Clearview Baptist (K3-8th Grade in Travelers Rest).
Thank you for your interest in the Upstate Homeschool Co-op! We have adopted an admissions policy that offers membership in our co-op to families who are like-minded spiritually, who are supportive of our philosophy, objectives, and standards of education, and whose children meet our enrollment standards. Our purpose is to serve families who desire not simply to home-educate, but who desire support and accountability in so doing.
Before registering for our co-op, please reference our handbook. This handbook will introduce you to many of the co-op’s policies, procedures, and expectations for both parents and students.
Our handbook explains our religious purpose, mission and beliefs. This co-op unashamedly believes, teaches, and practices a literal interpretation of the Word of God-the Bible. If you do not agree with our religious mission and beliefs, enrolling your child in our co-op will likely cause him or her confusion. For example, if a question regarding biblical lifestyles arises in a classroom, the teacher will answer from a biblical viewpoint consistent with our mission and belief statement. If your beliefs and lifestyle choices are not in agreement with our doctrinal stance, that answer will likely create conflict in your child’s heart and mind. This internal conflict could drive a wedge between you and your child. We respect your desire to place your child in the best possible learning environment, but if you are not in full agreement with our doctrinal positions, it will be best for all involved if you do not enroll your child at our co-op.
Biblical principles are integrated into every subject taught at our co-op. Our staff is committed not only to academic excellence but also to teaching students how to apply the truths of God’s Word to every aspect of life. If you are in agreement with UHC’s interpretation of the teachings of the Bible then this co-op will complement the beliefs and ideals your child is taught at home.
We look forward to partnering with you in your homeschool journey!
Suzanne Brown
Executive Director
Upstate Homeschool Co-o
In 1997 a group of 5 homeschooling families with 19 students started meeting one time a week to teach a variety of subjects in the home of Rex and Suzanne Brown in Taylors, SC. From there, other families asked to be a part of what was happening weekly. As the group grew, they began meeting at various churches in the upstate of SC changing location as the need for space expanded. UHC incorporated and became a 501c3 soon thereafter.
Under the leadership of our Executive Director and Founder, Suzanne Brown, the Upstate Homeschool Co-op has grown to over 1000 students in grades K3-12th. In the 2022-2023 school year, UHC opened a second Greenville campus specifically for elementary students and their third campus located in Spartanburg, SC to help support students in grades K3-12th. Fall 2025 marks the opening of our fourth campus, which is located in Travelers Rest for K3-8th grade students. Offering over 240 classes just on the Greenville campuses alone, our hybrid educational program gives students the best of the educational world! Meeting together 1-2 days a week depending on the grade level and location of campus, the students have the benefit of gifted teachers with a variety of classes from which to choose.