2024-2025 School Year

Introduction to General Psychology CP GVL

1st Semester

Course Description

This course will look at general psychology theories and concepts from a Christian perspective. It will help students grasp an understanding of God’s awesome creation of our mind and personality. In class we will discuss the brain, perception, genetics, learning styles, the history of Psychology, communication, needs, motivation, personality, sleep, dreams, abnormal psychology, psychological testing, Christian counseling and how to help a friend in crisis. During the course students will complete different types of activities and prepare for chapter quizzes and or tests. Grades will be based upon class participation, objective tests and quizzes, projects and homework assignments. This course has the expectation of the student spending three to five hours a week on homework assignments.

To be successful in this class:

Students must have good time management skills, be able to organize material, complete assignments and turn them in on time. Students will be expected to come to class prepared, take an active part in classroom discussions, write responses to material read, pass tests and quizzes that cover the material discussed and complete projects on time.

Grades: 9th Grade, 10th Grade, 11th Grade, 12th Grade

Fees: $225

Course Credit: 0.5 social studies elective

Required Materials


  • Introduction to Psychology from a Christian Perspective (pdf purchased by UHC)

Other materials:

  • 3 ring notebook
  • Notebook paper
  • Something to write with (no sharpies)

Meet Cindi Myers

Education:   Bachelor’s degree in Christian Psychology, Masters of Education, Masters of Christian Studies

Certifications: Association of Christian Schools International

Teaching experience:  6th through 8th grade teacher for 12 years at Mt. Zion Christian School. Published author.

UHC courses taught:

  • General Literature (Teaching 2022-2023)
  • World Geography (Teaching 2022-2023)
  • Intro to General Psychology (Teaching 2022)
  • CP English w/Literature (Teaching 2022-2023)

Began teaching at UHC in 2017