Lego Club Classes- for 1st-2nd grade students- 5 classes in August 2023 Instructor: Mrs.Carolyn Collett, UHC teacher [email protected] Class limit: 1st-2nd graders -8 students Cost: $100 paid to Mrs.Collett by Aug.14, 2023 Paypal ([email protected]) or Venmo business (@mrscollettstem) Lego Simple Machines for 1st & 2nd Grade: Students explore STEAM learning, to investigate & understand the operation […]
Digital Literacy for Elem/Middle School: This workshop meets five times and will focus on teaching digital basics through everyday problem-solving. Digital Literacy will use a curriculum developed by Google Education experts that equips your students with practical tech skills, including how to understand Google Drive storage and organization, make digital presentations, do online research, work […]
Lego Robotics for 3rd to 5th Graders- 5 classes in August 2023 Instructor: Mrs.Carolyn Collett, UHC teacher [email protected] Class limit: 8 students Cost: $100 paid to Mrs.Collett by Aug.14, 2023 Paypal ([email protected]) or Venmo business (@mrscollettstem) Lego Robotics for 3rd to 5th Grade: Students build exciting models using WeDo LEGO® kit featuring working motors, gears, […]
High schoolers, our first theme day is "Dress as the First Letter of Your Name Day" (Example: Letter S: Statue of Liberty, Spiderman, Serena Williams ) on Monday, August 21st! We can’t wait to see what you all come up with (within the UHC dress code guidelines) and are looking forward to this semester! -Student […]
SIGN UP on the August 16th- Lego Club- 1st & 2nd Grades event Lego Club Classes- for 1st-2nd grade students- 5 classes in August 2023 Instructor: Mrs.Carolyn Collett, UHC teacher [email protected] Class limit: 1st-2nd graders -8 students Cost: $100 paid to Mrs.Collett by Aug.14, 2023 Paypal ([email protected]) or Venmo business (@mrscollettstem) Lego Simple Machines for 1st […]
Digital Literacy for Elem/Middle School: This workshop meets five times and will focus on teaching digital basics through everyday problem-solving. Digital Literacy will use a curriculum developed by Google Education experts that equips your students with practical tech skills, including how to understand Google Drive storage and organization, make digital presentations, do online research, work […]
Attention all 9th graders!! On Monday, August 21st, all 9th graders are invited to eat lunch in the multi-purpose room (the student center)! We will provide FREE PIZZA for lunch (2 slices each), and fun games to play!!! But, don't forget your ID! We will need proof that you are a 9th grader or no […]
SIGN UP on the August 16th- Lego Robotics- 3rd to 5th Grade event Lego Robotics for 3rd to 5th Graders- 5 classes in August 2023 Instructor: Mrs.Carolyn Collett, UHC teacher [email protected] Class limit: 8 students Cost: $100 paid to Mrs.Collett by Aug.14, 2023 Paypal ([email protected]) or Venmo business (@mrscollettstem) Lego Robotics for 3rd to 5th Grade: Students build exciting […]
SIGN UP on the August 16th- Lego Club- 1st & 2nd Grades event Lego Club Classes- for 1st-2nd grade students- 5 classes in August 2023 Instructor: Mrs.Carolyn Collett, UHC teacher [email protected] Class limit: 1st-2nd graders -8 students Cost: $100 paid to Mrs.Collett by Aug.14, 2023 Paypal ([email protected]) or Venmo business (@mrscollettstem) Lego Simple Machines for 1st […]
Place: Grace Church Taylors/UHC Campus - 2701 Wade Hampton Blvd in Room 211 One-time requirement per family for UHC High School Registration, Open to the public. If you are putting a student in our high school program, even as an 8th grader, this class is mandatory. It is a one-time obligatory requirement per family and […]