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Online pre-enrollment opens on Friday, March 14, 2025

GVL Middle School Christmas Scavenger Hunt

Greer City Park 301 E Poinsett St, Greer, United States

Join us for a Christmas scavenger hunt in downtown Greer. We’ll split up into groups, try to complete the scavenger hunt as accurately and fast as possible, then be the first group back to win a prize!! Afterwards, we’ll hang out, play games, and eat snacks. When: Dec 15, 1-3pm Where: Greer City Park (Meet […]


GVL K3-2nd Social: Tell Me A Story Theatre

SC Children's Theatre 153 Augusta Street, Greenville, SC, United States

Join us at the South Carolina Children's Theatre for a fun and interactive book reading! We will be hearing Amazing Grace by Mary Hoffman, Pictures by Caroline Binch. This is a great event for littles and will be about 30 minutes. Siblings are welcome, just please include everyone attending in the RSVP -- lap infants […]


UHC Williamsburg Trip 2024 – Pre-Registration

Dear UHC Families: It's time to pre-register for our Williamsburg Trip March 15-20, 2024! This pre-registration is intended to gather preliminary attendance numbers. Tickets will go on sale on 01/15/24. NO PAYMENT is required at this time. Helpful information about the trip: Proposed Itinerary: Day 1, Friday, 03/15/24 - Travel Day. Optional Lunch stop at […]


GVL – Chick-fil-A Lunch Signups

This is a Senior Class fundraiser. Thank you for your support!!! Click here for more information and instructions, including the Salad Option for Adults Only. >>>Along with the regular weekly signup, this January 15th order date offers a one-time option to select and prepay for either all Monday & Wednesday lunches (6 dates), all Monday […]

UHC Open House (GVL Campuses)

Hampton Heights Baptist Church 2511 Wade Hampton Boulevard, Greenville, SC, United States

Join us for Open House to learn about UHC and tour our Greenville campuses.   UHC has two GVL campuses located approximately 2 minutes away from each other: Grace Church, Taylors:  hosts our GVL 6th - 12th grade programs Hampton Heights Baptist Church:  hosts our K3 - 5th grade Elementary program Our Open House event […]


SPT – Chick-fil-A Lunch Signups

Click Here for more info and instructions, including the Salad Option for Adults Only  >>>This January 18th order date offers a one-time option to select and prepay for multiple fall lunch dates. Please click the link above for more information.<<< All orders are final. No changes or refunds will be issued after the deadline. This is […]

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