Middle & High School Snacks and Lunch Policy

Food and Drink Policy

ONLY WATER, no food or other drinks, may be consumed by students in the classrooms during class (including Focused Study).  The only exception is when teacher permission is given because a classroom activity involves food.  Teachers will instruct a student with food or drink (other than water) to either place it in their lunchbox/backpack, or throw it away. If the student continues to eat or drink, the teacher will send a JE referral to the parents and appropriate director listing the food offense and the action taken.

Break/Snack Time

Students will be dismissed to a specified area each day for a 15 minute break and snack time. Parent assistants will monitor students during this time.

Lunch Time

  • 8th graders taking high school credits must eat in the middle school area on the Grace Campus except for high school only days in August, December, April, and May. Middle and High School Students at CATM Campus will eat together.
  • All middle school students, 6th-8th grades, must remain on campus during lunch, even on high school only days.
  • Microwave use is limited (Grace Campus only – No microwave use is available at CATM), and students should try to bring a lunch that does not require heating. When a microwave is used, it must be cleaned out BY THE STUDENT after each use.
  • Label all lunchboxes, water bottles, etc with student’s first and last name, please.

High School Lunch Policy

  • Students in grades 9-12 at the Grace campus only are permitted to leave for lunch.
  • UHC provides a safe lunchtime environment for our students with numerous parent volunteers, staff, and a sheriff deputy on campus. We also offer periodic on campus CFA days and lunch time activities. Our desire is that students would stay on campus and enjoy the opportunity to fellowship, connect, and build lasting relationships.
  • UHC is not responsible or liable for the safety of students and their actions when they leave campus during the lunch break.
  • All middle school students, 6th-8th grades, must remain on campus during lunch, even on high school only days.
  • High school students still must stay on campus during the morning class break unless they are leaving for the day.