Lower Elementary- Curriculum Planning Suggestions

If you’d like to print and write in your student’s course information for this school year click here to download the Lower Elementary- Curriculum Planning Worksheet.

The curriculum suggestions for each content area listed below were highly recommended by experienced UHC homeschooling parents, but it should be noted that there are many others available. Click on each curriculum hyperlink to be taken to the curriculum’s website where you will find more info regarding pricing, grade levels, and curriculum content.

Note: The following subjects are covered in UHC classes. Parents may choose to count UHC instruction in the content areas below as sufficient for their student OR may choose to use additional curriculum to teach content areas at home on top of what is covered at UHC.

GVL- 1 Day Model:

  • K5- Social Studies, Music
  • 1st: Social Studies, Music
  • 2nd: Science, Music

GVL, SPT, & TR- 2 Day Model:

  • K5: Social Studies & Science, Music and Art
  • 1st: Social Studies & Science, Music and Art
  • 2nd: Social Studies & Science, Music and Art

Curriculum Suggestions

Math is NOT taught in Elementary at UHC.  Parents must choose and implement their own math curriculum with their student.  The following are a listed of suggested curriculum but there are certainly many others out there to choose from!

Phonemic Awareness is the ability to hear and manipulate sounds. A great way to do this is through song! Phonemic Awareness Songs is one website that we recommend. You can also visit Dr. Jean for more resources.

Phonics is the coordination of sounds and letters. Dolch Sight Words and Fry’s High Frequency Words are both great resources!

Fluency is the ability to read with appropriate accuracy, pacing, and expression. Visit Ace Reader for a Free Speed Reading Test. A fluency standards table may also be of benefit to you.

Vocabulary is the body of words within a particular language. A great vocabulary resource is Wordly Wise.

Comprehension is the ability to understand and articulate what a text is about. News ELA is one resource you can use, but we recommend parents review content before allowing a child to read, and adjust lexile level. Reading Rockets is another helpful website!

Need help determining your child’s reading level? View one of the many resources below:

Additional Resources:

The National Reading Panel: Five Components of Reading Instruction Frequently Asked Questions