Lego Simple Machines for 1st & 2nd Grade: Students explore STEAM learning, to investigate & understand the operation of simple & compound machines. Classes promote basic physical science concepts & […]
This workshop meets five times and will focus on teaching digital basics through everyday problem-solving. We will use a curriculum developed by Google Education experts that equips your students with […]
Dear UHC Families, We have an incredible opportunity to hear from a woman whose contribution to South Carolina homeschooling paved the way to freedoms we enjoy today. Zan Tyler’s homeschool […]
Students build exciting models using WeDo LEGO® kit featuring working motors, gears, pulleys, and sensors, connect them to a computer, and use an icon-based software program to create and control […]
Lego Simple Machines for 1st & 2nd Grade: Students explore STEAM learning, to investigate & understand the operation of simple & compound machines. Classes promote basic physical science concepts & […]
This workshop meets five times and will focus on teaching digital basics through everyday problem-solving. We will use a curriculum developed by Google Education experts that equips your students with […]
Students build exciting models using WeDo LEGO® kit featuring working motors, gears, pulleys, and sensors, connect them to a computer, and use an icon-based software program to create and control […]
This training seminar is mandatory for parents enrolling students in the following Institute for Excellence in Writing courses at UHC: 3rd Grade IEW 4th Grade IEW 5th Grade IEW IEW […]
6th-8th graders —Enjoy a meet up time before classes start back. Spartanburg campus middle school 6th- 8th grade.Jeremiah‘s Italian Ice 1675 East Main St. Duncan SC. 1:00pm. Bring spending money […]
Jersey Day! Wear your favorite team jersey. Ex: college team, MLB, NBA, NFL, or even your local teams such as the Hurricanes. Make sure to follow the UHC Dress Code […]
Lego Simple Machines for 1st & 2nd Grade: Students explore STEAM learning, to investigate & understand the operation of simple & compound machines. Classes promote basic physical science concepts & […]