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Online pre-enrollment opens on Friday, March 14, 2025

SPT All Co Op Decades Dress Up Day

Elementary, MS, and HS choose your favorite decade of time and dress the part. MS and HS don't forget to take pictures and send them to yearbook!

SPT 3rd-5th: WSPA with Weatherperson Christy Henderson

WSPA 250 International Rd, Spartanburg, South Carolina

Christy Henderson, WSPA Weatherperson will show us the WSPA studio and talk to the students about how she does the weather report on TV. This field trip is limited to […]


GVL and SPT HS Fall Dance

The Swain Barn 725 Bellview Road, Woodruff, South Carolina, United States

Location: The Swain Barn, 725 Bellview Road, Woodruff, South Carolina Time: 7:30-10:30 pm All 9th-12th graders from UHC and their dates, all high school aged Canes athletes This is a […]

GVL Juniors Lunch Gathering

Juniors Gather today with your lunch in the MPR for some fun with your class. Drinks and Dessert will be provided.


Join us in the Student Center for a time of Bible Study and fellowship with Pastor Zakk from Church at the Mill!

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