Academic Integrity and Cheating Policy
Academic integrity is the standard that we set for our students.
Cheating includes, but is not limited to the following:
- Plagiarism (Oxford Language defines plagiarism as the practice of taking someone else’s work or ideas and passing them off as one’s own)
- Using aid or input for tests and/or quizzes (whether taken at home or on UHC campus) from any source including, but not limited to, fellow students, parents, the internet, AI, notes, textbooks, or solutions manuals
- Giving aid to or receiving aid from fellow students for graded homework or classwork assignments without teacher approval
- Using ChatGPT, Google Bard, or any generative AI on any assignment, in any class, is considered cheating at UHC unless it is both explicitly permitted by the teacher in the assignment instructions, and correctly cited. (AI permitted situations are extremely rare and almost never include quizzes, tests, or any step in the creation of papers, projects, or presentations)
Cheating, in its many forms, may result in the following:
- Parents of involved students will be informed.
- Involved students will receive a zero on the assignment.
- Continued cheating may result in being dropped from all UHC classes
- Further disciplinary consequences
The teaching parent should:
- Ensure that students understand and follow the requirements of each assignment.
- Supervise students’ work to prevent cheating including the unauthorized use of AI, other technology, *solutions manuals/answer keys, and student collaboration.
- Support any and all processes teachers may use to avoid, detect, and correct suspected cheating.
- Provide oral feedback or editorial assistance during the planning of projects, presentations, or compositions to support student success while maintaining the authenticity and ownership of student work.
*Some curriculum UHC uses provides both the answers to both daily work and the tests in the same book. For this reason, the student should never have the solutions manual/answer key in his/her possession at home or at UHC.