Middle and High School Testing Policy and Procedures
Because UHC classes meet only twice a week, there is typically not sufficient time to test students in class; therefore, the following procedure should be followed when a test/quiz is sent home as a paper copy or via Juno.
Paper Test and Quiz Procedures:
- Tests/quizzes will be sent home in sealed envelopes.
- Parents should take the test from their student and hold it until the day it is to be taken.
- When the student is ready for the test/quiz, all notes, books, and any other help, such as phones or other devices, should be removed from the testing area.
- The parent should then remove the test/quiz from the envelope and administer it to the student at a table in an area where the parent can see the student at all times.
- Once the student finishes the test, the parent may look it over to make sure it is fully completed without offering academic assistance.
- Once finished, place it into the return testing envelope and seal the envelope closed.
- Sign parent name across the seal. Your signature indicates the test/quiz was proctored by an adult for the entire time it took the student to finish it, and that it was taken fairly with only the aid of what the teacher permitted students to use (i.e. calculator, etc.).
- Have the student place the test/quiz envelope into his/her backpack to hand in on the due date.
Juno Test and Quiz Procedures:
- Test/Quizzes will be made available as a Juno Pod on the To Do list and Calendar. They will be “live” during the selected date/dates the teacher sets.
- When the student is ready for the test/quiz, all notes, books, and any other help such as phones should be removed from the testing area.
- The parent will be sent a message by the assigning teacher via JE with a secret proctor code word. This is NOT to be shared with your student. The secret word replaces the sealing and signing of a paper test.
- The secret word will be placed as an answer to a question on the test/quiz and must be typed in by the proctor. This indicates that the test/quiz was proctored by an adult for the entire time it took the student to finish it, and that it was taken fairly with only the aid of what the teacher permitted students to use (i.e. calculator, etc.).
- The parent will be present as the test/quiz is taken by the student at a table in an area where the parent can see the student at all times.
- Once the student finishes the test, the parent will look to make sure all questions are answered, then type in the secret word (as the answer to a question) that has been sent via JE by the assigning teacher.
- Submit the test/quiz.
UHC Testing Policy:
If an in-class quiz is missed due to an absence, the student is expected to plan with the teacher to take the quiz during the 15 minute break or during lunch on the day he returns to Co-op. If the quiz is not taken on the co-op day following the absence, the student will receive a zero unless other prior arrangements are made with the teacher.
Tests and quizzes may not be re-taken by a student unless the instructor deems it necessary for the entire class to retake the test/quiz.
Failure to comply with UHC Testing Policy and Procedure will result in the student receiving a zero for the test/quiz.
High School Exam Policy and Schedule