Elementary School
The Upstate Homeschool Co-op Elementary school program is a cooperative for homeschooling families, offering a variety of academic classes to assist parents as they homeschool. We do not take the place of a school, but come alongside homeschool families to offer classes that will assist parents as they teach their children.
- Our Greenville Campus offers the option for parents to choose for their elementary student to attend Upstate Homeschool Co-op either once or twice a week. Greenville campus meets Mondays and/or Wednesdays depending on which model you sign up for.
- Our Spartanburg campus only offers the twice a week class option and meets on Tuesdays and Thursdays.
- Our Travelers Rest Campus (opening Fall 2025!) only offers the twice a week class option and meets on Mondays and Wednesdays.
Upstate Homeschool Co-op elementary classes meet for 12 weeks in the Fall and 12 weeks in the Spring for a total of 24 weeks. Each class day starts around 9:00am and finishes around 2:30pm.
During the class day, all students have recess where they play either inside in a gym-type facility or outside on a playground. Students must bring a packed lunch and water bottle from home. Some classes also do snacks. There are occasional Chick-fil-A days where parents may purchase food ahead of time for their student for lunch.
Upstate Homeschool Co-op has field trip coordinators who plan field trips and social activities for elementary students and their families throughout the school year. A big hit at the end of the year is Elementary Field Day!
The homeschooling parent will need to purchase all required textbooks and supplies for each enrolled class and should plan to assist their child with the coursework required by their UHC classes. Parents are responsible for planning and teaching all other required subjects at home if they are not taken at Upstate Homeschool Co-op. Parents may choose to purchase and implement whatever curriculum you so choose for courses not taken at UHC.
Parents of students with learning differences, please be sure to read through our Learning Differences information to see what types of accommodations may be available for your student.
Parents are required to serve volunteer hours throughout the school year. The number of volunteer hours you need to complete will depend on which model your child is enrolled in. Please view the Parent Assistant page for more information about this requirement.
Lower Elementary (K3-2nd Grades)
Lower Elementary (K3 – 2nd grades) communicate with parents via email and Class Info pages. Class Info pages are accessible by members only and contain class documents and resources for parents such as: syllabi, weekly updates, sign ups for class events, progress report templates, etc…
Click on each class offering below to read the course description, see required textbooks/materials, teachers, tuition and fees, and class section info.
2024-2025 school year course descriptions are available in the Archive.
K3 students must be 3 by September 1st.
Greenville (GVL)
Spartanburg (SPT)
Travelers Rest (TR)
K4 students must be 4 by September 1st.
Greenville (GVL)
Spartanburg (SPT)
Travelers Rest (TR)
K5 students must be 5 by September 1st.
Greenville (GVL)
Spartanburg (SPT)
Travelers Rest (TR)
1st Grade
1st grade students must be 6 by September 1st.
Greenville (GVL)
Spartanburg (SPT)
Travelers Rest (TR)
2nd Grade
2nd grade students must be 7 by September 1st.
Greenville (GVL)
Spartanburg (SPT)
Travelers Rest (TR)
Optional Classes
Greenville (GVL)
Spartanburg (SPT)
Upper Elementary (3rd-5th Grades)
At the Upstate Homeschool Co-op, third, fourth, and fifth grade students enroll in a 4-class package. Classes may not be chosen a la carte. The 3rd-5th grade 4-class package includes the following classes: Art, Science, IEW Writing/Grammar, and Social Studies. Each class period is 1 hour and 5 minutes long. Students take 2 classes in the morning and then have a 45 minute lunch and recess break. They finish their day with their last two classes and then dismiss for the day. Third-Fifth graders utilize a platform called Jupiter Ed for assignments, teacher communication, submitting homework/quizzes, and receiving report cards.
Click on each class offering below to read the course description, see required textbooks/materials, teachers, tuition and fees, and class section info. Each class course description also provides an example of in-class activities and homework assigned as you consider which model is best for your student.
2024-2025 school year course descriptions are available in the Archive.
3rd Grade
3rd grade students must be 8 by September 1st.
Greenville (GVL)
Spartanburg (SPT)
Travelers Rest (TR)
4th Grade
4th grade students must be 9 by September 1st.
Greenville (GVL)
Spartanburg (SPT)
Travelers Rest (TR)
5th Grade
5th grade students must be 10 by September 1st.